Research Papers publication in Journals:
“Faulkner on literature at West Point” Co-authored with Dr. SR Julka, University News, Vol. XXX, No. 5, February., 3, 1992.
2. William Faulkner: The Man and the Artist” University News, Vol. XXXII, No. 6, February 1994.
3. “The Indestructibility of Hemingway’s Old Man” University News, Vol. XXI, No. 46, November 11, 1996.
4. “The American Short Story: An Overview” Readings, Vol. 1, No. 1, April 2003
5. Translations of poems of renowned Hindi Poet Harish Pathak entitled Vasant AA Raha Hai (The Spring is coming) and Yeh Kewal Prakriti Ka Prakop Nahin (It is not Sheer Nature’s Calamity) in the Indian Literature Vol. LII No. 1, Jan-Feb 2008.
6. “Wings of Fire: A Biography with a difference” Shodhasarita, Vol I No. I Jan 2015, ISSN 2395 4590 Shodhasarita
7. “Cultural, Linguistic and Social Resistance in Jhumpa Lahiri’s “In Other Words.” Published online by SETU, October 2018, ISSN 2475-1359
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These poems are a powerful expression to the voices of the people who sacrificed their lives for the cause of democracy in the country. The common masses who stood against the tyranny of the rulers and suffered – their anguish and troubles and tribulations find apt space in these beautiful poems. The author also discusses issues like the plight, struggle and longings of the women and the downtrodden during these tough times and voices his concern with force and passion.